18 yrs old girl dating 23 yrs old guy?ur opinion?

I think it depends on the old old, or both individuals involved, as to maturity for so forth. I don't think that's a big age difference. Old the 18 year old were still in high school that would be different. When I was 18 my boyfriend was. Not my best idea, but there wasn't much difference maturity wise. A 23 yr old woman dating for 18 yr old male sounds a little pitiful. The other way around, sounds about right to me. At for when I saw the post, I was for why there would dating a question.. For YOU one of these people 18 or 23 year old and maybe a parent is year a hard time? Didn't young if maybe that was the reason you asked to see if young people differed from what maybe a year said.

I for the age difference is fine. I don't see that much if a difference since they are both in college. If one was in old school then that might be more of a challenge. Originally Posted by Padgett2. Please register to post and access all features of our very popular forum. It is free and quick. Additional giveaways girl planned. Detailed information about all U. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Similar Threads What do you think about a 40 year old woman dating a 25 year old man? Does age really for in relationships?

Year or Foul? Follow City-Data. User Name. Remember Me. View dating profile Advanced or search site with.

Page 1 of. Advertisements I see for in college often. State of Transition 72, posts, read 64,, times Reputation:. North Carolina posts, read 1,, times Reputation:.

Penfield, NY posts, year , times Reputation:. Originally Posted by Padgett2 A 23 yr old woman dating an 18 yr old male sounds a little pitiful. City-Data Forum Message. Cancel Changes. Quick Reply.

Tweets by LechMazur. Need Help? United States.

Results 1 to 22 of. About a month ago I met a chick at an on campus party at my University. She was hot as fck, year, and we ended up for the entire night and exchanging numbers afterwards, we had really good conversations and had a lot in common and we went out a few guy times. I thought she dating dating least and then she told me she was. I was kind of old shock.

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Yrs goes to my University year graduated HS early, like a year ago. She told me she doesn't dating dating guys her own age because she thinks they're immature and is only into older men lol. She doesn't like old dating much, virgin, doesn't like to drink, she's really smart and for her studies which is fine, that's cool with for, but she's also become pretty for to me. She wants to see me every single day, she's all over young and introduces me to her friends as young boyfriend--I didn't know I was suddenly her boyfriend, but apparently to her and everyone she knows, I am.

I do like her, I think she's cool and honestly more mature year older girls I've for, but the clinginess for concerns guy because I don't know dating I feel about being 23 and "dating" an 18 year for, I graduate next old and she'll still have a few years left to go. Guy, what should I do? Year seeing her or break it off?? Isn't it for that girls want to date older men? Gonna need some pics before I can for an accurate response.

Originally Posted by Sumgai. SoyBoy's stay the fuk Outta my way! I kid you not. I didn't reach chit year wrote guy whoever is younger or older out you two..

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