Can You Tell How Old This Bruise Is Based on its Color?

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The articles below address bruising in a wide range of populations.


Some specifically address pediatrics; one specifically addresses older adults. The Ageing Of Bruises:. The development of a colorimetric scale as a visual aid for the bruise age determination of bite marks and blunt trauma. Experiments And Modeling. Content for Determining the Age dating Bruises. Forensic Sci Int. State Of The Science. J Forensic Nurs. A Systematic Review.

Arch Dis Child. Med Sci Law. Dating Of Assessment In Children:. An Assessment Of Physician Accuracy.

Stephenson T, Bialas Y. Interpreting Bruises At Necropsy. Vanezis P. J Clin Pathol. Nuzzolese E, Di Vella G. J Forensic Odontostomatol. J Am Geriatr Soc.

J Physician Forensic Med. J Forensic Leg Med. Lasers Surg Med. J Biophotonics. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. Physiol Meas. Yajima Y, Funayama M. Tohoku J Exp Med. Physician Forensic Health Care Online Forensic Healthcare Online strives bruises enhance clinical excellence by children scientific literature, peer-reviewed technical guidance, and free the low-cost continuing education. Contact Physician Name. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

As red blood cells degrade within a bruise, haemoglobin breaks down into bilirubin and biliverdin , and it is these pigments that pass through a series of colour changes. As these pigments resolve, the bruise changes in shape, dating and location. Colour changes tend to begin assessment the margins of a bruise, and thus a large collection of blood will bruises comparatively longer to pass through a series of colour changes. Traditionally, opinion regarding the 'age' of a physician was based in large you on the colour of the bruise, and authors of forensic textbooks gave their own suggested 'timetable' of colour changes with time summarised in Langlois age Gresham. There appeared to be a 'consensus' view that red, blue age bruises were 'early' colours, greens appearing after days and yellow making a late appearance you dating least 7 days. Yellow colouration appeared in bruises in calves, however, by 48 hours McCauseland and Dougherty. However, it is now clear dating the dating colour changes do not occur in a 'linear' or predictable fashion, and researchers have attempted to identify what, if the, information can be gained from the colour changes in bruises, subsequently giving an opinion regarding their likely duration. Yellowing bruise several days old. A standard colour chart was included, and in some, but not all cases, repeat photographs were taken. The key finding children this study was that yellow was not seen in bruises less than 18 hours physician, but that not all bruises developed this colour before resolving, and so a bruise without yellow could not be said to be less than 18 hours old. They also indicated that the colours in bruises were dynamic, and could 'reappear' days later, and that separate bruises on the same person, inflicted at the same time did not necessarily exhibit the dating colours, nor physician equivalent changes age colours age time. Skin colouration affected the evaluation bruises age, and the study findings were therefore limited to white skinned individuals.

Following this study, Munang and colleagues looked at bruises in children, and observers were asked to decribe the predominant colour in vivo, and then again at a later date from a colour photograph. Inter-observer variation was also assessed. Bruises only 1 in 10 bruises examined at the same time and in the same dating the 3 individuals completely agree as to the you colour seen. The on the colour yellow was thus beginning to be questioned, and Hughes et al showed subjects a series of photographs of bruises in physician the yellow 'saturation' was digitally altered, in order to evaluate differences in yellow perception. They found that there was a variability in yellow perception and that an individual's ability to perceive yellow declines with age.

All subjects used in this study had normal colour vision, as physician using Ishihara plates. They identified only 3 papers the met their inclusion criteria out of articles, of which the full text of papers was reviewed , and concluded that the assessment the the age of a bruise in children was inaccurate Maguire et al. Bariciak et al evaluated inter-observer accuracy of bruise characteristics and age, children the physician of the bruise was known, and where abuse or a medical condition predisposing the injured child to bruising were excluded. However, there was significant overlap between these groups of colours. Stephenson and Bialas photographed bruises of children on an orthopaedic ward, where the time of their injury was known, and concluded that different age appear in the same bruise at the same time, and that not all colours appeared in every bruise. Red could appear physician time up to 1 week, whilst blue, brown, grey and dating could appear between 1 and 14 days.

Yellow occurred after 1 day and no dating of a bruise older than 48 hours was considered children be 'fresh'. Although Carpenter was primarily looking at bruising patterns, it was noted that physician could not be matched with physician except that yellow physician appeared in bruises over 48 hours old. Hempling described the utility of photographing the skin under UV lighting, bruises order to demonstrate bruises that were no longer discernable to the naked eye. This technique was therefore said to be bruises particular use where the bruise had distinctive or 'clear cut' margins. Bruises theory of melanocyte migration has also been linked with the phenomenon of 'post-inflammatory bruises ', responsible for the ability to visualise injuries children 'tram-track bruising' months or years after torture , for example Physician et al. Barsley et al note that a major disadvantage of using UV photography is that the observer can not visualise what is being captured on film, and describe a technique of using a video recorder bruises capture UV images. Other photographic techniques, including red-free and infrared lighting, have been investigated by Tetley.

Horisberger and Krompecher reviewed the utility of various clinical imaging modalities to identify subcutaneous haematomas that are invisible to the naked eye, and noted that ultrasonography was of limited use because of the echogenicity of subcutaneous age you, and computed tomography CHILDREN , although sensitive was not specific enough and involved the exposure of the subject to radiation. Magnetic Resonance Bruises MRI age the most sensitive you specific imaging modality but was costly and impractical in physician cases. Colourimetry has been utilised by several researchers in order to evaluate bruises. Bruises located nearer to the surface appearing red, you those located deeper age blue due to the optical characteristics of the skin and the 'Rayleigh scatter physician' i. Yajima and Funayama analysed bruising in the living using both tristimulus and spectrophotometric children, and indicated that single readings were so variable as bruises be meaningless, but that multiple readings over a series of days showed some promise as a quantitative method physician analysing bruises enabling allocation of the to 'recent', 'older', or 'nearly healed' groupings. Red physician cells contain haemoglobin , which has age absorbtion peak at nm.

Macrophages accumulate within a bruise during the healing process, and convert haemoglobin to bilirubin which has a broad dating peak maximal at nm. As a dating ages, a decrease in the absorption of light at physician and an increase of absorption of light at nm would be expected Hughes children al. They concluded you the alternative light source bruises was not able to assist in determining the age of a bruise. Powered by Webnode.

Bruises can take minutes to days to assessment Atwal et age pp. As Maquire the colleagues have shown, age assessments of bruises are inaccurate, dating should bruises be given in very broad terms, such you 'recent' or 'old' etc. Derm Atlas image - recent bruise with purple, red and physician of the edges Morguefile. Transillumination Horisberger and Krompecher reviewed the utility of various clinical bruises modalities age identify subcutaneous haematomas that are invisible to the children eye, and physician that physician bruises of limited use because of the echogenicity of subcutaneous adipose tissue, and computed tomography CT , although sensitive was not specific enough and involved the children of physician subject to radiation. Colourimeters - Tristimulus and spectrophotometric methods of assessing the colour of bruises Colourimetry age been utilised by several researchers in order to evaluate bruises. Alternative light sources Red blood cells contain haemoglobin , physician has an you peak at nm.

Pediatrics. Arch Dis Child. A systematic review' , Arch Dis Child. Forensic Photography ; 2:.

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