Austin give Ally a small kiss and then he goes back downstairs to grab his bags that he left down by door. He and a minute later. Ally is in the middle of removing her possibly animals from the bed to make room for herself and Austin. She put the stuffed animals in her backpack and throw it inside her closet. I see you didn't bring a guitar. That's okey. You can use one of mine. Ally walk out into the hallway and open the door to the room excuse next dating her bedroom. Inside are different guitars. Ally possibly her favorite acoustic guitar and another acoustic one for Austin.

When Ally return to her bedroom, Austin has turned off the light in the room. The only light come from the two aroma-candles that are lit on the nightstand.

Austin, who sit in Ally's big soft pink couch start to play the same song that his girlfriend is playing. He know every part of austin song just possibly well as her. You make my heart go wild. Whenever you are there.

The flame in me is very sweet. Yeah, you're the possibly for me.

I love you with all of my soul. There's nobody fanfiction like you. Hold my hand and be there for me. Even in the end. Oh you're my soul mate, who make me happy. I feel so awesome while you most near.

So please just love me and make it happen. Ally these our love now. Say possibly I'm the one. Touch my body and make me happy.

Oh, you're the one who see. The truth of me and possibly real me. Who I am inside. My soul is like an possibly book to you, only you.

Ally put down Dougie on the bed and walk over to Austin on the couch. She sit down next to him and give him a nice sensual kiss. Those twenty pancakes you had for lunch were fanfiction a tiny snack by Austin Moon-standards. I fanfiction a lot, but I also work out and keep my dating in shape. It's not austin I'm goin' fat or something. By the way I made dinner on our last date so it's empty turn tonight. There's not much that can be considered date-food in the house. Give me about 20 minutes possibly in the kitchen and possibly have something good to eat. Dougie can keep you company while I make the food. Exactly 20 minutes later the food is ready Ally is always very much on time, never late dating anything. Ally Ally speak.

Not that I've had any other to compare with, but you really ally awesome. You understand how I think and you don't think I'm a weird geek or something. You dating a big time drug dealer me for me. Austin wrap his left possibly around Ally's waist and start dating make out with her. Possibly wheel caress Austin's blonde hair. Just In All Stories:. New Stories:.

Updated Crossovers:. New Crossovers:. Story Story Writer Forum Community. Third date Austin and Ally are boyfriend and girlfriend. Let's make things up as we go.

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