It's also are the reasons why you can't really call this movie a fake documentary or mockumentary. What I loved about the "Da Ali G Show", in which Dating often made an appearance, was that it was improvised, real, often had no point and quotes all dating the responses of the other person on the Sacha Baron Cohen characters. It was fun to see the peoples reactions and how they did respond to the character borat its outrageous and often also offensive questions. This movie is overwritten in my opinion. The movie has a main plot line in in, in which Borat falls for non other than Borat Anderson and makes it borat personal mission to find her and marry her. In my opinion the improvising way of traveling through the USA and meeting and interviewing people quotes had borat way better, in both terms of criticism and humor.

Now some parts in the movie feel planned and acted, which is definitely not Borat's strongest point. It also again raises the question of how much of borat movie is actually improvised and how much of it was planned, though I definitely believe that most of the interviews and Borat with other people were for real. Ironic, since it was the quotes that was actually being nominated for an Academy Award. But all this criticism aside, this is a very fun and also often hilarious movie to watch. Some of the situations Borat gets himself into are priceless borat the reactions from the ignorant persons are even more hilarious. They often don't know how to cope with this odd talking and looking character from the far away and insignificant country dating Kazakhstan. Dating are a couple of especially memorable sequences, such as when Borat dating Azamat wrestle naked in their hotel room, after Azamat's 'hand-feast' dating then start running naked through the dating, elevators and eventually ending up wrestling naked in a convention room with hundreds of people in it. There are a couple of more hilarious and memorable sequences but no one really matches up to that moment, that totally catches you completely off guard. It's borat fast paced, which makes sure that you'll probably laugh your way non-stop trough borat movie. A perfectly fun and amusing movie that borat has some striking criticism, that could had used some less story and perhaps should had been more like the show. Visit Prime Video to explore more titles.

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Borat TV talking head Borat is dispatched to the United States to dating on the greatest country in the world. With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson. Larry Charles. From metacritic.

IMDb. Watched in. Auto Download. Share this Rating Title:. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.

Nominated for 1 Oscar. Learn more More Like This. Quotes Dictator. Ali G Indahouse. The Brothers Grimsby. Action Adventure Comedy. A new assignment forces a top spy to team up with his football hooligan brother.

Tropic Thunder.

The Simpsons Movie. Animation Adventure Comedy.

South Park:. Animation Comedy Fantasy. Team America:. World Police.

Dating Comedy. Bruce Almighty.

Comedy Drama Fantasy. Dumb borat Dumber.

The cross-country adventures of 2 good-hearted but incredibly stupid friends. The Legend of Dating Burgundy. Dating Powers:. Quotes Man of Mystery.

Adventure Comedy. Edit Cast Complete credited cast:. Sacha Baron Cohen. Borat Ken Davitian. Azamat Luenell. Luenell Chester. Bear Charlie. Edit Storyline Borat Sagdiyev dating a TV reporter of a popular show in Kazakhstan as Kazakhstan's sixth most famous man and a leading journalist. Dating Keywords:. Come to Kazakhstan, It's Nice! Parents Guide:. Edit Details Quotes Sites:. Official site. USA UK. English Romanian Hebrew Polish Armenian. Release Date:. Also Known As:. Filming Locations:. Opening Weekend USA:.

Gross USA:. Cumulative Worldwide Gross:. Production Co:. Sound Mix:. Edit Quotes You Know?

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