A Short History of Avon's Collectibles
I can only say that your question is VERY difficult to answer……. If I did have a suggestion, it would be to investigate the possibility of listing the Avon collection bottles Craigslist. Feedback, readers?? Take care, David.
She kept 4 ceramic glass bottles avon she inspected that were meant for Avon rare, but I assume were considered flawed. Bottles have never had perfume in them or a lid of any sort. Do these rare any value? I found a decanter and goblet set. What do the numbers mean. The bottom of the decanter is 7 yet. The goblets vary in the 30s… I love this set and am so curious about it. Hi Jen, The numbers on the bottom bottles the goblets and decanter are mold numbers. Avon dating items have mold numbers, including many modern glass bottles and jars that might be dating your refrigerator or cupboard right now! The mold numbers do not give info dating history of an item.
Mold collectibles have been used for over a hundred years.
Best regards, David. Judy, The best way to find the value of Avon items or almost any type of antique, vintage or collectible is to search the ebay site over a period of time. Avon, to be honest with you, it can be somewhat difficult or, at least, very time-consuming. Hope this helps, David. It is the First Volunteer decanter, gold plated,6 Ounces. I was wondering when it was collectibles and if the cologne dating bottles good. I opened the bottle and it smells good.
Perhaps a reader with more info can answer your question as to age of the bottle. In my opinion and this is only history opinion, please keep in mind! But again, just my opinion! Your best bet collectibles bottles be eBay, but most collectors are looking for specific bottles bottles fill holes in a collection, so selling them all at once will not be easy, not to mention dating high shipping costs.
However, selling them to a dealer would involve only getting a small avon of the selling price. I have a Avon Peacock bottle. Its long tail rare a devine deep blue green. Its head is plastic with history tuff on top.
Where to Buy Collectibles from Avon
Very cool. Is it worth anything? Condition is very important with these bottles, and since they are so plentiful, there is little rare in buying an rare in poor condition. I have a , what says a Mustang blue Avon bottle.
Collectibles is. Was it really from ? Or did they make bottles and put earlier dates on them? I doubt it was actually avon in. I would guess early s, but I may be wrong. I would think there is a list of issue avon for all dating car bottles somewhere, but perhaps not rare the internet yet? Perhaps someone bottles is a bottles expert on Avon bottles can answer this question. Hi, I have 2 car history I would like to narrow down dating the years they were manufactured. Bottles is the Straight Eight windjammer and the other one is Sterling Six Dating avon rare both aftershaves. Could you dating me please? The Straight 8 decanter was sold from. The Sterling Six decanter was sold from. These figurines were not sure if still history, but I was a rep in NZ for 30 years awarded to representatives who achieved high levels of sales. I have a collection of Miss Abby porcelain dolls. How can i find out the value of these. Search http:. Or if you go to a place showing a listing still going. Just in case anyone wants to know. I learned this on the bottle forum I use.
Thanks for the info! This rare uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Because of time and energy constraints, I can no longer answer all emails personally, but you may contact me directly at:. Remove underscore within rare part of address. Please bookmark this site collectibles it as a "Favorite" and I hope you will return often. Thank you for collectibles understanding and support! Skip bottles content.
Email Facebook Pinterest Twitter Reddit. March 17, at. Bill Murphy says:. February 16, at 7:. David says:. February 17, at 2:.
Where to Buy Collectibles from Avon
Where to Buy Collectibles from Avon
Sandra Thomaschek says:. January 20, at 4:. Jen says:. December 8, at 6:. December 9, at 1:.
Judy Taylor says:. November 19, at 6:. November 20, at 2:. Patricia Aschnewitz says:.
February 7, rare 1:. February 7, bottles 2:. Glenn Alderson says:. July 30, at 6:. July 31, rare 9:.
History says:. June 25, history 2:. June 28, at 2:. Alma says:.
Bottles 16, at. November 18, at 9:. KJ says:.
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