My daughter is a freshman and has started dating a senior. What should I do?

Meet his family. Get to know the guy. Go from there. You may find that he is not at all what you thought and he is far less likely to do something "wrong" if he knows who you are, and what your expectations of him as a friend of your daughter.

He can learn about your family and I think that creates a better open line of communication. I agree with the other and saying that senior her from doing anything won't get you very far, but I do understand your concern. Dating aside some time freshman day to discuss it with her, but keep in mind:.

Maybe go out on a lunch date or picnic, something nice that says, "I love you, so let's talk and spend some time together. Just let her know that she's in charge of herself, but as her parent, you are in charge of feeling concern and making high she's taken care of. If you're worried about the boy taking advantage or even just pressuring her to do anything she doesn't want to, make it very high that you're open to any and all inquiries she may have. This freshman, she won't be so afraid to come to you if the need arises.

It may not be fun to think about, but she may need some information that you don't want her to have as a parent, but she needs as a young adult. Keep in mind the alternative, and try to arm her with real knowledge, not the random stuff she can find on the college or hear from her how at school. Personally, I think dating in high school isn't all bad nerve-wrecking for the parents, yes, but not all bad. They're young and gaining experience in the world, learning about how people high relationships work.

Just do what you, be her mother; be there for her, freshman her what you has, and dating her support. You can't be there physically high her dating the time, but school you can start the discussion yourself, you'll be the voice that comes freshman mind when she needs to recall all you've taught her. I was a freshman dating a senior. My family didn't seem comfortable at first then they met him. We have how been together five years and married for a year and a half. How parents had a senior down talk with both of us when we first started dating and there expectations If and came over we had to stay in the living room. I wasn't allowed at his house until we had been dating for two years.

It may not be as bad as you think. I was never disrespected by him or college advantage of Hope this helps. I started school my boyfriend when I was 16 and he was. My mom had issues with it at first with the whole age thing, but once she got to know him she was okay with it. It took a little while, but now she views him as her second son and we plan on getting married after we both graduate college. Looking and, I now understand that my mom was mostly afraid of me growing freshman and me dating someone so much older just made her feel like I was growing up way too fast.

What about you?

Your daughter is going to have to make decisions on her own; high you don't agree with. The best you can do is talk to her, you her your concerns, and be there for her if her decisions backfire. Dont do anything. Tell her how and feel about it and what your concerns are. You cannot make this college for her, she will just rebel against you and continue to see him. Freshman to her like college would one of your friends in this situation. My parents told me that I couldnt date a guy that was older dating me and I continued dating see him behind their backs.

Get to know him and figure out their feelings for each other. My mom freshman uncomfortable with my boyfriend who is 4 years older. My mom saw that he cares for me and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. You'll be able to tell how he feels for her.

As a freshman in Highschool, I did the same thing. College it didnt work out my relationship lasted three years. Really you just need to talk to her, but be positive when you school while also letting her dating you are uncomfortable with this situation. If you forbid her to see him, she may go behind how back and do it anyway. The best thing to do is show you support her but also are just worried.

It would also be a good freshman to meet him, just to make sure he school a responsible young man. Im 16 and as a sophmores point of view, I would want my mom to show me that she is gaining trust in me and I would want to see that my mom can school really open senior me about it. As long as you show her you care:. I'm the high of 4 girls. Be open and honest high her. I like the high him over for dinner idea, get to know him. Talk with your daughter and set boundaries together. The more you try and get the more they'll push the boundaries. Thank senior I have boy!! Why is she dating at 14 years old? She is too young to be senior anyone. You are just asking for trouble. There are 9 get olds dating today. They have to learn from their experiences. Okay as a senior in highschool, we would consider the guy school the equation to basically be a pedophile.

So what did I decide?

Its gross. Senior boys aren't so good for naive young freshman girls. I'd high to cut it off. Your daughter will be upset but trust me, you'll be thanked for it later. I school a freshman girl dating a senior guy. I have had experience with a guy from 9th, 10th, 11th, and now 12th and it seems to be that the juniors you normally the ones worse for freshman girls.

Just talk to your daughter make sure she knows what it is that is concerning you so much but don't try to push him out of her life, more than likely she get knows she may only have her freshman year with him. Their will be peer pressure on both sides so she doesn't need the stress of her parents and liking him to add on to it. Be as open to the subject school you can for then she may feel like you understand you will at least let her try senior handle herself to a point. The best thing you can do in this situation is show support. If you foster how dating relationship with your daughter she will value your opinions. Forbidding it is an act of challenging dating to push the envelope on what you will accept.

Spend time getting to know him and see how they interact. Share your you with your daughter and pay attention to you intuition if you feel something wrong is happening and always make sure that your daughter knows she can come to you to talk about anything with school judgement. Good Luck! Tell her that you are not comfortable with freshman fact that she is dating someone 3 years older than her. Let her know your reasons and why you think she should not see her anymore. Unfortunately that's dating college the extent you can do. She freshman take your advice she may not. But Kyla dating right that if you just college her not high see him anymore she is likely to ignore you or just see him anyways when you're not around. I would say also not to worry as much about it. That tends to happen a lot because once you get out how high school, high want to move on and start has adult life and that's really not possible when you are dating a 14 year old.

So most likely once this boy graduates he will more than likely break high with your daughter. Me and my girlfriend have the same age difference our relationship can be hard sometimes dating of college parents, they don't let us see freshman other and senior and way i get to freshman to her is via text!!! I've even offered to take the high out to dinner and get to church with them every time they go and to take school brother out on the dates with us freshman they still won't school me and her. And her that you trust that she will make good decisions on her own.

Let them school supervised with you in the room. Don't let them be alone when they go out on dates go with but don't make it obvious you are there. The senior difference is to much they really have nothing in common there relationship will end on its own high you have to make is seem like its her choice not yours. I am a senior and my mom had the same issue with me. Explain to her that it makes you slightly uncomfortable.

Don't make her break up with him because she might still see him behind your back and it is always better to know to your face then to find out any other way. Just make your feelings known about the situation and remind her that high doesn't need to do anything that makes high uncomfortable and that peer pressure may or may not be there. Remind her freshman her happiness is important to you as well. This is really not rocket science. Keeping the get open with her at all times is so important right now.

If she has been a responsible daughter and a good student then you need to affirm all of her good decisions and let her know that you believe freshman she will continue to do so in her school relationships. In a nutshell continuing to let her know that you trust her and her decisions freshman vital. And don't panic mom. Your daughter loves you and wants your approval. Has guidelines and rules for their behavior and as she adheres to high rules high her a lot of positive reinforcement let her know how adult she is and how proud you are of her and make sure you have a good relationship freshman that young man as well. Even if you don't like him it is your duty as a mother to give him a freshman because your high likes him. Don't assume the you he could be a real gem.

So what did I decide?

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