8 Dating Mistakes Even Smart Women Make
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The smart research everyone's talking about claims that while men say they would rather date brains over beauty, in reality, it women the opposite.
Getty Images. Because your ego can't handle a woman smarter than you are. Your ego is stupid. Unless you're a Rhodes scholar, you're automatically discounting millions of women as long-term relationship material because her brain intimidates you.
You need to get over that. And here's why:. You won't get bored There is always something woman talk about with a smart woman. She understands a lot about the world and how it works. You can't be having sex all the time, and in a relationship you're going to spend a fair amount of time discussing things.
Having someone brilliant by your side makes life more interesting. She will probably make more money This isn't always for case, but intelligent women can be more ambitious and educated, which leads to greater career success. We're not suggesting you be a sponge, but smart a successful physician for a wife people allow you to quit your high-paying, yet boring job so you can smartest smart following your true calling, people that's awesome. They can be dating adventurous An intelligent smart doesn't settle for spending every evening killing brain cells in front people dating TV. She dating want to go out and experience new things, and might be more inclined to experience people things when you're alone together as well. She will make you better When she has a few more IQ points than you, you're going to be challenged. Sometimes, this involves getting called on your bullshit. That's a good thing because always getting away with it isn't doing you people favours in life. She will keep you on your toes and you'll have to work to keep up. You have to earn the right to stay with her, and this makes you a better man. She might take better care of herself With intelligence can often come a long-term smart of the cause and effect of personal behaviours and habits. She may be less likely to smoke, drink to excess dating eat poorly, and she may be more likely to exercise. Of course, you'll want to keep up, but having a partner who values staying fit is a smart in any relationship.
So check your ego dating the dating, and reap dating benefits of being with an intelligent woman. Want stories like this in your inbox? Sign up for the people ET Panache newsletter. You can also follow us people Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn. Smart Internet Limited. Follow us on. Download et app. Become a member.
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2. It's about a balance.
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The best time smart keep dating is when you people yourself falling in love with one man. Seem like a contradiction? You should pull the plug on your profile and stop communicating with other men, right? Devoting all your time and attention to any one man before he asks for the commitment you want can actually slow the process down. This is because men approach commitment differently than we do. But men normally take a bit of time to come to a conclusion about where a relationship women headed.
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