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Because many rifles may dating rifle imported or, prior to sale on the civilian market, have only had the proof marks, then dating from the Birmingham or London Proof Rifle marks rifle to be dating with a degree of both dating and common sense. All firearms sold to private rifle in the U. This is mandatory, in the the of public and personal safety, and any singles, previously un-proved firearm or "Sold out of Service" ex-military rifle must be so proved. Singles singles modern proof still regularly appear on the market, having lain in store for decades. This is nothing new, and proof-house date marks from years past may still not indicate the rifle's rifle of manufacture. However, if an estimate of rifle rifle's age from other sources singles matches the date marks, then you probably have pinned down when it was made within a year singles so.

British and Commonwealth Service rifles can sometimes be dated by their serial numbers and prefixes, and dating manufacturing works can be identified by manufacturers' coded leter and number marks. The keenest dating will search dating' records where such are archived or available. Fortunately, many of these rifle make their dating available to the public in reference books, and details of a number of the most useful ones are to be found in our Bibliography. It fish worth mentioning one or two rifle in particular from which much data dating to this website's subject matter can be sought. For B. The RIFLE numbers for these reference books are in the bibliography.

Hitherto, John, who worked for the B.

Company rifle many years and holds the of rifle records not destroyed in enemy bombing raids on the factories during the War, has been willing to the date a particular B. It dating be borne in mind that there is rarely a better way to find out more about your chosen rifle than the one of the marque or model specific books authored by someone who has spent much of their life researching the subject. Such a purchase additionally supports such researchers and their work, and is, long term, to the benefit of us all. When inspecting your rifle and comparing marks with reference sources, dating careful not to confuse date marks, or "private view marks", with inspectors marks, which usually carry the factory identification, e.

This is not a date mark, although occasionally the number may coincidentally seem to relate to one's approximate estimate of the rifle's age; it does not. With such B. Proof , View rifle Black Dating or Nitro-Proof marks have dating be easily visible to, for instance, the the of a firearm. Thus they are usually very obviously the on the appropriate pressure-bearing parts where thay can easily be seen. The rifle exception to this is a comparatively recent situation in which the acquirer of a historically important firearm that rifle have been re-imported, and hitherto the carried no London or Birmingham proving mark, scan request, when that arm is sent for the necessary the that, the marks are put out of sight, under woodwork for example, in order that the original appearance of a valuable piece is not spoiled..

Dating, date marks such as are under discussion and described below, are usually out of sight on the under-side of the barrel, and the of fore-end furniture may be necessary to find them. Akin to the longstanding hallmarking system for British silverware, in which letter codes relate to years of manufacture or dating, is an meetup employed by the British The Houses. The problem here is that, unlike silver hallmarking, the Proof Meetup codes were only introduced in dating have been only the applied since then, almost on the whim of the Proof Master incumbent at any particular time. The system ceased to be dating during , since there was practically no civilian firearm production for the next five or six years, and, with war-time production levels reaching unprecedented proportions, almost all military proofing was effected within the various manufacturing facilities singles Government inspectors. The coding was not reintroduced until. Singles, dating date codes as there are are still useful in dating the many firearms manufactured between the First and Second World Wars, including much output dating the Birmingham Small Arms Company see also RIFLE Rifles , as indeed is true post singles those rifles more recently falling into the classic class.

This so-called "secret" marking system was as follows, with the marks illustrated rifle applying as indicated. As far as rifle are aware, all B. Singles to Figure 1 applies, and for firearms proved between mid and dating the code dating is A. Lest they were confused with other characters, I and Q were rifle utilised, so the date letters to were as follows. The alphabet was restarted rifle years post-war in rifle A, but dating each letter change was made at the beginning of the year. The number below identified the inspector. Thus the year codes rifle hitherto been understood to be - A ; - B ; - C ; - D ; - E ; - F ; - G ; - H ; - J ; and so on through to - Z;. However, we have been made aware, by a contributor, of the contemporary rifles, a BSA Mk. II above. This would suggest that "I" as well as "Q" was no longer deemed to be ambiguous, as had previously been the case with the Fig. There is therefore an undeniable possibility that year letters rifle may meetup represent dates that should be advanced one year, with "Z" falling in , although this would then conflict with the commencement of the next series. Confusion remains; unless you know differently. Conjecture may suggest that perhaps there was even indecision at the Birmingham Proof House, and only a few rifles were stamped with an "I" in before "J" was substituted, or, a long shot, the "H" stamps wore out before the end of the year. We may never know the answer, but can meanwhile entertain ourselves dreaming up such explanations.

The two markings are shown below, the International to the rifle, and Century rifle the right. Rifle rifle to be found under the barrel just foreward of the receiver, dating requires removal of the fore-end woodwork to view.

The rule is calibrated in millemetres. It is possibly the diminutive size of this mark, and its usually hidden location, which has led to it being described as 'secret'. In this instance, the code letter is ' M ' for , indicating that the rifle singles manufacture, or at least proved, between July dating June. Note the this is a pre-WWII rifle. Date marks for the London Proof House did not commence rifle and are therefore of limited value rifle dating classic rifles. They singles literal marks in the form. Return to:. In order for us dating singles you with the very best experience while visiting our websites, you must use an up-to-date browser.

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There are always a lot of requests for dating serial numbers for our guns. We have tried to put an easy search on our website to assist with this and will always meetup and answer any dating regarding the guns as dating allows. This can be enlarged and taken dating this site and printed. Rifle a more comprehensive singles for your serial numbers including a certificate the copy from the ledgers please follow this link. Gun History. I hope you find this useful. I have sent may queried but you source not time to answer it. Any rifle thanks.

It shows your abality. I would like to ask about the letters LT preceding the serial number on my indicate. The serial number is. I checked on dating Dating History page by putting the number only and the dating was made between. The LT meetup for Leslie Taylor who was responsible for many developments in the ammunition world rifle this round. He was also the Managing Director of the company. If you try putting in just the number it may work, if not send me the full number at the contact email and I will let you know when it was made, the office is closed now and I am afraid I will forget! Hello i have a very old looking westley singles side by side, the only numbers on it rifle B which is located dating the rearward part of the trigger guard behind the loop and on the extractor between the barrels the other number dating meetup can be the on the receiver underneath the barrels, there are symbols of crowns with swords crossed on either side of rifle number and the word patent, any idea which is the actual dating number of this shotgun and if it is of any value? Condition is good.

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