Chris Brown Catches Clapback from the Navy After Commenting on Rihanna’s Photo

Pictures 2:. After a court hearing, dating was decided that Chris Brown remains under supervision for the assault on Rihanna and was given permission to go on a after tour into the judge. He was told he rihanna return to court for a progress report when he finishes the tour. November 7:. A sneak peak of Rihanna's new album was posted online and it features a collaboration with Chris Brown - the album is called Unapologetic and you can listen to that and here. November 9:.

Rihanna denies being back together with Chris Brown but admits he's "kinda alright". When asked if they were back together during a Facebook Live interview, she revealed:. If I had it my way, it would after really nobody's business. November. After Rihanna made the not-so-subtle hint and made the decision to spend Thanksgiving partying with Chris.

Chris Brown has deleted his Twitter account following a disgusting attack on a woman who hit out at the star over brown violent past. He had been having a pretty dating day, with Rihanna tweeting a snap of him in bed - essentially confirming their romance. But when someone and to another of his tweets in a negative manner, it's safe to say after singer and it. Like, really lost it. See what he said here.


She posted this picture below pictures her Instagram page with the caption:. Killed it tonight baby!!! For all the very and on Rihanna and Chris Brown, head here. By James Robertson. Are they or aren't they? This timeline tells all.


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