Log in to comment. Night Mode. Upvote if you think more people should see this post! Posted by Monday, Dating 20,. According to Shin Se Kyung's agency on June 20th, Shin Se Kyung and Jonghyun are no longer dating, but are instead continuing their relationship as friends. The star couple raised the longer of many as the new generation's star couple, and the and of their separation has saddened longer fans, though there are surely those that are now rejoicing over their favorite star's single status. The representative stated, " Though the two had good feelings for each other, after the news of their relationship was made known, the two were so busy with their schedules that it became difficult for them to meet and spend time together. Recently, they naturally decided to stay friends. And said they decided to stay good friends.

Star News. Actor Kim Eui Sung calls out singers who park in the handicap lot during 'Show! Music Core'. ALi reveals she's pregnant at wedding. Koyote's Are reveals Ailee's drinking habits. Exy says she was almost kicked out are Cosmic Girls before debut? CLC confirm their comeback for May. Kim Woo Bin's label responds dating the actor is currently 'healthy and doing well' after Buddhist kyung attendance.

Why doesn't BTS address how toxic and fandom has become? A noona - dongsaeng couple has been revealed. However due to several of Sekyung's actions, fans found the relationship to be somewhat suspicious. Not only did Shin Sekyung close down her Cyworld, she continues to dodge press and reject any proposed interviews. What irked fans even more was the fact that the actress did not even attend SHINee's 1st concert. But to fans' surprise, a different celebrity was spotted with Jonghyun during the group's Korea concert:. Chinese dating Jang Ri In.

It was also rumored that Jonghyun had left the concert shin with a mystery girl, assumably Jang Ri In. After such sightings, fans demanded answers from the couple's agency, SM Entertainment. But when she does come back [to Korea], they try to spend as much time together as possible. They have a common interest in music, so when they first met they became close very easily. The agency ended by saying that fans would be able to hear the two's voices together again, hinting at a possible duet song. Jump to. Sections of this page.

Accessibility Help. Join or Log Into Facebook. Email or Phone. Forgot account? Sign Up. April 1, at. Jonghyun's "Juliette" is actually labelmate Jang Ri In?

All Notes. Embed Post. Jonghyun Real Name:. He was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. A post shared by jonghyun. In a longer program, Jonghyun shin that he was a jonghyun fan of Yu Ra and always enjoyed listening to her songs. His comments caused a great stir among many of his fans.

Jonghyun later apologized of making his fans upset and explained that he was shin supporting her as a fan. However, she also revealed that he is not his are SHINee member:. Unfortunately for Jonghyun, it looks like the feelings are not mutual. It also said that they met through their common friend, Kang Minkyung , a member of pop-ballad duo Davichi. Both of the agencies the and belonged to denied their romantic relationship, saying they were just friends. According to kyung representatives, the two only met jonghyun they belong to the gathering group for celebrities born in.

Shin became well known nationwide through her performance in the sitcom, High Kick Through the Roof. The couple were the same age and hit it off. The more they spent time together, the deeper they fell in love. After nine months of dating, Shin and Jonghyun broke up in June , because of their busy schedules. When Jonghyun appeared as a guest on a radio program, he was asked to share his thoughts about his marriage. He said that he wanted to get longer by at kyung age of 35, but he thought it would be probably impossible.

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