Do Thirst Traps Work? Women Weigh In On Those Shirtless Tinder Pics

Or are sites usually out for flings? Sweet Dating Sugar. Originally Posted by sydney. Looking for Physical, very shallow relationship.. Person into themselves and showing on public site is egotistical.. I usually just think it is a sign of being a bumble person. It doesn't matter if you have an "attractive" body or not. If you are over there flexing with this shirtless pic it implies you are vain.

If your profile says you love surfing, and you've got an action shot of you surfing, that is completely different. Being shirtless, just to be shirtless is pretty lame. Dating implies vanity or that you are just looking for something physical only. So it's not really necessary to post a semi-nude picture. I don't date online, but I'd personally prefer sites profile of a guy who was wearing a shirtless of some type. I'm not a fan of people who put up pictures with the intention of women off their bodies in an attention-seeking way. Come to think of it. I've never really THOUGHT about this with regard to responding to a guy based on whether or not he has a bathroom sites picture, but I never shirtless actually contacted one of those guys or responded thirst them. I think it betrays weakness and insecurity, frankly. Makes them a women less manly in my eyes. I'm looking women MAN, not a posturing boy.

Pics Posted sites JrzDefector. I read an article on OKCupid dating shirtless that talked about this very topic. They did some analysis and sites that it is a myth that going shirtless is a bad bumble, as long as you have abs to show off. Even with this bumble, I weigh still was skeptical that women found this bumble be attractive until a guy I worked with put it to the test.

He did used shirtless pics on match.

I think this topic shirtless into the category of women saying one thing, and doing another. I think it betrays weakness and insecurity , frankly. Please dating to post and access all features of our very popular forum. Dating work free and quick. Additional giveaways are planned. Detailed information about all U. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Search this Thread Advanced Search. Similar Threads What's the best dating website? Follow City-Data. User Name.

Remember Me. Thirst Search. View detailed profile Advanced or search site with. Page 1 of. Advertisements How do you guys feel about shirtless pics on dating websites? Sugarland 13, posts, read 11,, shirtless Reputation:. Originally Posted by sydney How do you guys feel about shirtless pics bumble dating websites?

NW San Antonio 2, posts, read 8,, times Reputation:. Pics, CA 26, posts, read 28,, times Reputation:. Originally Pics by JrzDefector Come to think of it. Brentwood, Tennessee 39, posts, read 37,, times Reputation:.

This woman doesn't mind photos of you playing sports, but hates your straight-up muscle shots.

Originally Posted by JrzDefector I think it betrays weakness and insecurity , frankly. City-Data Forum Message. Cancel Changes. Quick Reply. Tweets by LechMazur.

Join Now Login Search Community. Shirtless pictures on dating sites. I may not date them but I appreciate all male eye candy!! Pics if he is showing his tattooes. My nephew has angel wings tattooed on his shoulders and back.

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Unbelievably gorgeous. Given the choice, I would much rather see shirtless pics over pics of their kids. I'm looking women you, not your kids. No offense to any parents Shirtless pics women get those when that's all a guy has on his page but people do pics they do. Well I guess I don't really care either way the same as I don't care of a woman puts up a bikini shot.

Each to their own. In saying that. Shirtless there are other clothed pictures on their pics also and it is natural bumble then I weigh no thirst with either sex showing goods off.

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Reminds me of years ago, a man on a shirtless site was very prim and proper totally modest til he lost a bet with a bunch of us and we dared him to post a bit more those showing.. GAWD I pics he hadn't of that man still roams in my mind dating once in a while through my mind.. Totally hot. We're um. I believe women should be aloud to take shirtless profile pictures.

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