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One textPlus account across all of your screens:. Email support textplus. I've been using text plus for a while and it has always worked well. But plus since I updated my phone its been telling me failed to register device. Please fix.

Love this app. Totally bummed that it won't work. Ive been using this app for years on plus text It's so useful. I give out that text more than my after line! But now that I switched to a windows improvements i can't access it.

Plz plz fix. Doesn't let me open security application continues to say failed to register device I hope they fix this issue. Fix this app!!! I've uninstalled and reinstalled like times. Something plus with the app at the beginning.

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If I could rate 0 sars I would. Fix this pos already!! Dating failed to make a working app text well. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services. Privacy Policy. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse dating site, you agree to this use. Learn more.


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Più simpatico di uno scivolone della Regina Madre, più divertente di una rissa al pub. Thank you, Ciccsoft!
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Quando li abbiamo visti davanti al nostro portone in Via Solferino, capimmo subito che sarebbero andati lontano. Poi infatti sono entrati.
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Ci hanno riempito di tagliandi per vincere il concorso come Gruppo dell'anno. Ma chi si credono di essere?
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Giovani, belli e poveri. Cosa volere di più? Nell'Italia di Berlusconi un sito dinamico e irriverente si fa strada come può.
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Un altro blog è possibile.

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I fighetti del pc della nostra generazione. Ma si bruceranno presto come tutti gli altri. Oh yes!
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