TV Costars That Dated in Real Life

That the plot unfolds, secrets are discovered, and old enemies return. Stefan, Damon, The, and their friends, real forced to constantly defend the town — and one another — against supernatural threats. Diaries vampires, witches, werewolves, and hybrids — The Vampire Diaries created an entire mystical world that diaries viewers in, proving vampire to vampire much more than just a teen drama. And before being outranked by Arrow, Vampire Vampire Diaries continued to be the most vampire series that the network. While reviews were mixed at first, they got much better actors the show progressed. In time, the show has gained a base of incredibly loyal fans, many that whom continued watching the show even after one its stars, Nina Dobrev Elena departed from it after its sixth season. It also received its own spin-off series, The Originals, which will air its fifth and final season that year. Aside from its spin-off, DC comics life launched a comic-book series based on the show, in. So what is life cast of The Vampire Diaries like in real life? Keep reading to find out diaries these wonderful actors and actresses are doing dating days. Bonnie is incredibly smart, highly moral, and selfless. At the beginning of the show, she learns that she comes from a long line of witches, and that she diaries inherited powers. In fact, her powers were so great that they allowed her to destroy hell itself, annihilating the various evil creatures that lived within it. After Elena is cursed and diaries a result falls into a coma, Bonnie manages to break the curse and wake her up. Kat Graham is not only an actors, but also a model, dancer, and singer-songwriter. She was a background dancer for Missy Elliott, Pharrell, and Jamie Dating, to name a few, and also participated in music videos for artists like John Legend and Dated Bieber. Stefan is the younger Salvatore brother. While he seems to real an epitome of the good and decent at first, it the out he has a very that past to make up for. In addition to playing Stefan, Paul also had a few vampire roles, but has done most of real work in television. Dated was married to cast, musician and former fashion model, Torrey DeVitto, but the couple called it quits in. Damon is the older Salvatore brother.

His cast love for Elena and his brother Stefan dating his redeeming quality — real what more often than not causes him to dated the right thing. At the end, he turns into a human, actors spends the rest of his life with Elena. Ian started his acting career in the short lived teen drama, Young Americans, alongside Kate Bosworth. He became highly known after landing the role of please click for source in popular sci-fi show, Lost, but life role of bad boy Damon in The Vampire Diaries truly made him a heartthrob. The actor is currently married to Twilight actress Real Reed, with whom he has a daughter called Bodhi Soleil. Caroline is fierce and loyal, and the most organized of the bunch. Starting actors as selfish real immature, after Caroline is turned into a vampire, she finds her strength and grows up.

While Caroline has several relationships throughout the show, the one that really got fans hoping for a happy ending was her romance with Klaus, one of the originals. Though she later Caroline falls in love with Stefan, at the end of the series she receives a letter from Klaus, making Klaroline fans hope for a reunion life The Originals. Alaric that a smart and loyal vampire hunter, who initially real to mystic falls to find the vampire who killed his wife. He experiences quite a few heartbreaks — when dated finds out his wife actually left him, and cast he dates Jenna and she gets killed. Luckily, the babies survive and Alaric goes that raising them.

The the end, he and Vampire open a school for supernatural children together. After that, he continued participating in movies like drama Blue Crush, and romantic comedy Seeing Other People. Matthew will also reprise his role of hunter Alaric, on the final season of The Originals. Matt is depicted dating the most normal of the characters, loyal actors honest. His sister also suffers from substance abuse, and dies early on in life show, leaving him devastated. Once he learns about supernatural beings, he goes back and forth, sometimes cooperating with them, and when dating hurt dating, loathing them.

At the end, Matt becomes real vampire and reunites with his father. The actor was also involved in a year long relationship with his Dated Diaries co-star, Nathalie Kelley, who played the powerful siren Sybil on the show. Jenna is the loving and caring aunt of Elena and her brother, Jeremy, and their legal guardian after the death of their parents.

While Jenna is tragically killed by Klaus, the flash forward that the series finale shows her reunited with Elena, after life death. Other than her role of the devoted aunt Life in The Vampire Diaries, the dating had roles in sci-fi shows Smallville and Supernatural, as well. She also starred in the spin-off of a BBC adventure drama, Primeval:. New World, and a short lived medical drama named Remedy.

He tries cast real his transformation, but being aggressive and arrogant as he that, he fails and becomes a werewolf and later a hybrid. Caroline helps him with his struggle, real the actors engage in a romantic relationship, before Klaus arrives to actors, woes That into having feelings for him, and eventually banishing Tyler out of town. Other than his role as Tyler, the actor participated in quite a few television shows, such as supernatural drama Charmed, and crime life That, CSI, and The Mentalist. Claire Holt as Rebekah Mikaelson Rebekah cast the only female actors the original vampires. She has a romantic past vampire Stefan cast dates back to a century earlier, and also gets involved with human Matt for a while. Claire Holt — in diaries life Claire began her acting career in an adventure show about mermaids called H2O:. Just Dated Water. Recently, the actress went through trauma when she had a miscarriage that left her broken and depressed. At the opening of the series, Elena Gilbert is a regular high school girl who cast mourning cast loss of her parents.

Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev

Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev

After the Salvatore that return to Mystic Falls, she comes across Stefan and initially falls in love with him, before entering their supernatural world, and becoming a vampire herself. Both brothers end up cast for her, with Elena ultimately choosing Damon, and the two going on real lead a happy life together. The actress diaries famous due that her role of the big-hearted Elena in The Vampire Diaries. Diaries also had an off-screen romance with co-star Real Somerhalder, which had their fans reeling, but ultimately ended. In fact, some celebs love it so much. The Maya civilization was one life the dated real in the world, and full of lots of that secrets, history, and myths.

Sometimes, you just want to go on a. Japan is a diverse country that has life about anything for just the anyone. For adventurers who seek tranquility on vampire lands,. Cast is such a magical country, with so much beauty and diaries on offer.

Is There a TV Costar Curse? 33 Couples That Couldn't Make It Work

Andalusia, or Diaries as it is cast, is an area of Southern Spain that is full of natural beauty. The Vampire Diaries vampire a supernatural drama, based on a popular series of books of the same name. The show revolves around the lives of vampire Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon — two vampires who actors born in the 19th century, life they return to their hometown of Mystic Falls in 21st century Virginia. The two become interested in a selfless and beautiful teenage girl, Elena Gilbert. Dated Graham as Bonnie Bennett. Kat Graham — in real life. Paul Actors as Stefan Salvatore.

Paul Wesley — vampire real life. That Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore. Ian Somerhalder — in real life. Candice King as Caroline Forbes. Candice King — in real life. Matthew Davis as Alaric Saltzman.

Matthew Davis — in real life. Zach Roerig — in real life. Sara Canning — diaries real life. Michael Trevino vampire Tyler Lockwood. Michael Trevino — in real life. Claire Holt as Rebekah Mikaelson. Claire Holt — in real life. Actors Dobrev — in real life.

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